The University of Edinburgh -
Division of Informatics
Forrest Hill & 80 South Bridge

Documents from: 1996

Chapter in Edited Book

CB1019 1996 Chapter in Edited Book Mellish,CS; Reiter,E; Levine,J
NLG Applications in Technical Documentation
CB1020 1996 Chapter in Edited Book Nicolov,N; Mellish,CS; Ritchie,GD
Approximate Chart Generation from Non-Hierarchical Representa$
CB1022 1996 Chapter in Edited Book Fisher,RB; Naidu,D
A comparison of Algorithms for Subpixel Peak Detection
CB1058 1996 Chapter in Edited Book Bundy,A
Prospects for Artificial Intelligence
CB1073 1996 Chapter in Edited Book Levine,J; Mellish,CS
Corect: Using Natural Language Generation ...
CB873 1996 Chapter in Edited Book Bundy,A
Prospects for AI
CB889 1996 Chapter in Edited Book Fisher,RB; Naidu,D
A Comparison of Algorithms for Subpixel Peak Detection

Chapter on CD-ROM

CD1040 1996 Chapter on CD-ROM Fisher,RB; Perkins,SJ; Walker,AV; Wolfart,E
HIPR: Hypermedia Image Processing Reference

Discussion Paper

DP167 1996 Discussion Paper Chagas,N
Learning New Behaviours in a Conscious Robot
DP168 1996 Discussion Paper Trewin,SM; Pain,HG
Gathering and Analysing Keyboard and Mouse Data
DP169 1996 Discussion Paper Taylor,TJ
A Study of Evolution in Self-Replicating Parallel Computer Programs
DP170 1996 Discussion Paper Al-Lakany,HM
Gait Kinematics: Analysis, Synthesis and Recognition
DP171 1996 Discussion Paper Al-Muhtaseb,H
The Need for an Upper Model for Arabic Generation
DP172 1996 Discussion Paper Tuson,AL
Phd Proposal: a Neighbourhood Search Approach to Scheduling
DP173 1996 Discussion Paper Jamnik,M
Automation of Diagrammatic Proofs in Mathematics
DP174 1996 Discussion Paper Chen-Burger,J
Thesis Proposal: the Formalisation of Business Modelling
DP175 1996 Discussion Paper Schulenburg,SI
Application of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms to Portfolio Optimisation and Stock Price Predictions - Thesis Proposal
DP176 1996 Discussion Paper Whittle,JN
A Deductive Synthesis Editor for Producing Correct Functional Programs
DP177 1996 Discussion Paper Espinosa-Romero,A
Situated Face Detection
DP178 1996 Discussion Paper Wickler,GJ
Capability Characterization and Assessment for Planning-Based Intelligent Agents - Thesis Proposal
DP179 1996 Discussion Paper Reed,T
Tracking Deformable Structures in Biomedical Images - Thesis Proposal

Edited Book

EB1005 1996 Edited Book Burke,E; Ross,PM
Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1153
EB1021 1996 Edited Book Fisher,RB; Trucco,E
Proceedings of the 1996 British Machine Vision Conference

Journal Paper

JP1016 1996 Journal Paper Knott,A; Mellish,CS
A Feature-Based Account of the Relations Signalled by ...
JP1017 1996 Journal Paper Carletta,J; Mellish,CS
Risk-Taking and recovery in Task-Oriented Dialogue
JP1018 1996 Journal Paper Taylor,J; Carletta,J; Mellish,CS
Requirements for Belief Models in Cooperative Dialogue
JP1023 1996 Journal Paper Hoover,A; Jean-Baptiste,G; Jaing,X; Flynn,P; Bunke,H; Goldgof,D; Bowyer,K; Eggert,D; Fitzgibbon,AW; Fisher,RJ
An Experimental Comparison of Range Segmentation Algorithms
JP1024 1996 Journal Paper Wright,M; Fitzgibbon,AW; Giblin,P; Fisher,RJ
Convex Hulls, Occluding Contours, Aspect Graphs and the Hough Transform
JP1041 1996 Journal Paper Mitsakakis,N; Fisher,RB; Walker,AV
Classification of Humpback Whalesong Units using a Self Organizing Feature Mapt
JP1046 1996 Journal Paper Peremans,H; Veelaert,P
Tri-aural Perception on the Batmobile
JP1052 1996 Journal Paper Miglino,O; Lund,HH; Nolfi,S
Evolving Mobile Robots in simulated and Real Environment
JP1059 1996 Journal Paper Liu,W; Bundy,A
Constructing Probabilistic (ATMS) using Incidence Calculus
JP1060 1996 Journal Paper Ireland,A; Bundy,A
Productive Use of Failure in ......Proof
JP1061 1996 Journal Paper Kraan,I; Basin,D; Bundy,A
Middle-Out Reasoning for Synthesis and Induction
JP1062 1996 Journal Paper Bundy,A; Giunchiglia,F; Sebastiani,R; Walsh,T
Calculating Criticalities
JP1067 1996 Journal Paper Fuchs,N; Robertson,DS
Declarative Specification
JP1068 1996 Journal Paper Mota,Ed; Robertson,DS; Smaill,AD
NatureTime: Temporal Granularity in Simulation of Ecosystems
JP1071 1996 Journal Paper Thompson,HS
Corpus work at HCRC
JP1122 1996 Journal Paper
An Experimental Comparison of Range Segmentation Algorithms
JP1123 1996 Journal Paper Wright,M; Fitzgibbon,AW; Giblin,P; Fisher,RB
Convex Hulls, Occluding Contours, aspect graph and the Hough transform
JP993 1996 Journal Paper Conlon,T; Pain,HG
Persistent Collaboration: A Methodology for AIED

MSc Thesis

MT9601 1996 MSc Thesis Aas,TA
Gait Selection in Hexapod Robots
MT9603 1996 MSc Thesis Bailey,P
Generating Narrative Text Describing Events and Situations
MT9605 1996 MSc Thesis Biris-Brilhante,VV
Inform-Logic: a System for Representing Uncertainty in Ecological Models
MT9607 1996 MSc Thesis Billard,A
"Allo Kazam, do You Follow Me?" or Learning to Speak Through Imitation for Social Robots
MT9609 1996 MSc Thesis Biris,E
A Fuzzy Logic Controller for the Navigation of a Small Mobile Robot
MT9611 1996 MSc Thesis Brooks,EL
Knowledge Inference Engine (Kie)
MT9613 1996 MSc Thesis Case,SJ
Using Fusim to Detect Inverse Responses
MT9615 1996 MSc Thesis Chan,SY
Multi-Agent Traffic Simulation-Vehicle
MT9617 1996 MSc Thesis Chong,KW
Multi-Agent Traffic Simulation - Street, Junction and Traffic Light
MT9619 1996 MSc Thesis Clare,AJ
Invisible Spelling Error Detection and Correction Using Statistical Methods
MT9621 1996 MSc Thesis De Almeida,M
Facial Feature Extraction
MT9623 1996 MSc Thesis Delahunty,A
Extension and Evaluation of a Rhythmic Analysis System
MT9625 1996 MSc Thesis Dodd,RG
Don'T Look Now: Credibility Vs Kalman Filters
MT9627 1996 MSc Thesis Fujinami,Y
An Implementation of Japanese Grammar Based on Hpsg
MT9629 1996 MSc Thesis Gauntlett,RM
Finding a Predictor of Fulminant Hepatic Failure (Fhf)
MT9631 1996 MSc Thesis Green,SD
Planning Actions in Dynamic Environments: a Unix Assistant
MT9633 1996 MSc Thesis Hackett,D
An Its to Teach Malaria Stratification for the who - a Prototype
MT9635 1996 MSc Thesis Hoar,JS
Reinforcement Learning Applied to a Real Robot Task
MT9637 1996 MSc Thesis Hubertz,TJ
Neural Networks for Time-Series Prediction
MT9639 1996 MSc Thesis Ijspeert,AJ
Modelling the Neural Controller of a Swimming Lamprey: a Comparison of Naturally and Artificially Evolved Networks
MT9641 1996 MSc Thesis Juan,T
The Cats Ears Project 1996
MT9643 1996 MSc Thesis Kapeti,P
Tpps: Dynamic Natural Language Generation in Technical Domains
MT9645 1996 MSc Thesis Kazer,JF
A Genesis Simulation of the Hippocampus Region Ca1
MT9647 1996 MSc Thesis Kiernan,B
A Wave Rule Tutor
MT9649 1996 MSc Thesis Kim,J
Neural Networks for Motor Insurance Rating
MT9651 1996 MSc Thesis Koryllos,K
On-Line Image Processing Operator Demonstrations in Java
MT9653 1996 MSc Thesis Maudal,O
Preprocessing Data for Neural Network Based Classifiers - Rough Sets Vs Principal Component Analysis
MT9655 1996 MSc Thesis Mitsakakis,N
Classification of Humpback Whalesong Units Using a Self Organising Feature Map
MT9657 1996 MSc Thesis Nath,SN
Superant: Knowledge Discovery Using a Multi-Distributed Agent Collective
MT9659 1996 MSc Thesis Pechoucek,M
Industrial Configuration and Proof Planning
MT9661 1996 MSc Thesis Ratford,MS
The Single Chromosome'S Guide to Dating
MT9663 1996 MSc Thesis Roberts,SL
Belief Revision
MT9665 1996 MSc Thesis Sakellariou,I
Cassandra: a Contingency Planner for the Real World?
MT9667 1996 MSc Thesis Sato,LM
The Evolution of an Algorithm to Prioritise Surgical Patients
MT9669 1996 MSc Thesis Sirris,VV
Development of Fuzzy Logic Techniques to Handle Uncertainty in Modelling Student Knowledge
MT9671 1996 MSc Thesis Siu,CC
Tmdoctor: a Fuzzy Rule- and Case-Based Expert System for Turbomachinery Diagnosis
MT9673 1996 MSc Thesis Smith,FS
A Comparative Study of Inference Methods for Fuzzy Logic Control
MT9675 1996 MSc Thesis Southall,JB
An 'Optical Paintbrush' for Virtual Reality Modelling
MT9677 1996 MSc Thesis Spagocci,SM
Evolving Neurocontrollers and Body Plans of a Lego Robot
MT9679 1996 MSc Thesis Tsai,M
Generating System Specifications from Application Requirements for Model-Based Diagnosis
MT9681 1996 MSc Thesis Abud-Urbiola,J
Behaviour Based Navigation on Mobile Robots: Initial Experiments
MT9683 1996 MSc Thesis Willis,AG
Exploring Chart Parsing Mechanisms
MT9685 1996 MSc Thesis Winkelman,HL
Robot Control Using the Halperin Neuro-Connector Model
MT9687 1996 MSc Thesis Yobas,MB
Credit Scoring Using Neural and Evolutionary Techiques

Paper in Conference Proceedings

PP1000 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Tuson,AL; Ross,PM
Co-evolution of Operator Settings in Genetic Algorithms
PP1001 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Gathercole,C; Ross,PM
An Adverst Interaction between Crossover and Restricted Tree Depth in Genetic Programming
PP1002 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Turner,A; Corne,D; Ritchie,GD; Ross,PM
Obtaining Multiple Distinct Solutions with Genetic Algorithm Niching Methods
PP1003 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Tuson,AL; Ross,PM
Cost Based Operator Rate Adaptation: An Investigation
PP1004 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Kim,D; Corne,D; Ross,PM
Industrial Plant Pipe-Route Optimisation with Genetic Algorithms
PP1006 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Leitch,R; Coghill,G; Shen,Q; Chantler,M; Ravindranathan,M
Choices for the Construction of Appropriate Models
PP1007 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Sie,C; Shen,Q; Milne,R
A Fuzzy Expert System for Turbomachinery Diagnosis
PP1008 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Levine,J; Rogers,I; Bennington,T; Pattison,C
Class Hierarchies as a Multi Purpose Knowledge Representation
PP1009 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Rogers,I; Plowman,L; Levine,J; Pattison,C
The Collaborative Requirements Capture Tool: A Multiparadigm..
PP1010 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Marchant,B; Cerbah,F; Mellish,CS
The Ghostwriter Project:....
PP1011 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Bassols-Gadella,N; Mellish,CS; Nicholov,N
A Case-Based Algorithm for Catalan Stress Assignment
PP1012 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Knott,A; Mellish,CS; Oberlander,J; O'Donnell,M
Sources of Flexibility in Dynamic Hypertext Generation
PP1013 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Yeh,C; Mellish,CS
An Evaluation of Anaphor Generation in Chinese
PP1014 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Nicolov,N; Mellish,CS; Ritchie,GD
Approximate Generation from Non-Hierarchical Representations
PP1015 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Al-Jabri,S; Mellish,CS
Using Classification for Mapping Semantic Representations...
PP1025 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Bispo,EM; Fisher,RB
Free-form Surface Matching for Surface Inspection
PP1026 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Fisher,RB; Fitzgibbon,AW; Gionis,A; Wright,M; Eggert,D
A Hand-held Optical Surface Scanner for Environmental Modeling and Virtual Reality
PP1027 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Pilu,M; Fisher,RB
Recovery of Generic solid Parts by Parametrically Deformable Aspects
PP1028 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Pilu,M; Fitzgibbon,AW; Fisher,RB
Ellipse-specific Direct Least-square Fitting
PP1029 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Fitzgibbon,AW; Pilu,M; Fisher,RB
Direct Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses
PP1030 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Eggert,D; Fitzgibbon,AW; Fisher,RB
Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Range Views for Use in Reverse Engineering
PP1031 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Pilu,M; Fisher,RB
Model-Driven Grouping and Recognition of Generic Object Parts from Single Images
PP1032 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Borges,D; Fisher,RB
Class-based Recognition of 3D Objects Represnted by Volumetic Primitive
PP1033 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Grove,T; Fisher,RB
Attention in Iconic Object Matching
PP1034 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Fisher,RB; Gionis,A
Surface Reflectance Recover under Point Light Illumination
PP1035 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Pilu,M; Fitzgibbon,AW; Fisher,RB
Training PDMs on Models: The Case of Deformable Superellipses
PP1036 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Pilu,M; Fisher,RB
Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion
PP1037 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Wright,M; Fitzgibbon,AW; Giblin,P; Fisher,RJ
Beyond the Hough Transform: Further Properties of the RO Mapping and their Applications
PP1038 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Binsted,K; Ritchie,GD
Speculations on Story Puns
PP1039 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Smaill,AD; Green,I
Higher-Order Annotated Terms for Proof Search
PP1042 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Peremans,H; Veelaert,P
Improved Tri-aural Perception through Robot Motion
PP1043 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Chen,J; Peremans,H; van Campenhout,J
Ultrasonic Perception: Tri-aural Sensor Array for Mobile Robots using a Competition Neural Network Approach
PP1044 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Veelaert,P; Peremans,H
Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Flexibility Maps of the Environment
PP1045 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Veelaert,P; Peremans,H
Adaptive Animat Navigation Based on a Flexibility Model for the Environment
PP1047 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Lund,HH; Miglino,O
From Simulated to Real Robots
PP1048 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Lee,W; Hallam,JC; Lund,HH
A Hybrid GP/GA Approach for Co-Evolving Controllers and Robot Bodies to Achieve Fitness-Specified Tasks
PP1049 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Lund,HH; Miglino,O; Nolfi,S
Evolving Autonomous Robots
PP1050 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Wickler,GJ; Pryor,L
On Competence and Meta-Knowledge
PP1051 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Wickler,GJ; Pryor,L
Competence and Capability Assessment
PP1053 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings O'Donnell,M
Input Specification in the WAG Sentence Generation system
PP1054 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Bundy,A; Giunchiglia,F; Sebastiani,R; Walsh,T
Computing Abstraction Hierarchies by Numerical Simulation
PP1055 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Cantu Ortiz,F; Bundy,A; Smaill,AD; Basin,D
Experiments in Automating Hardware Verification using Inductive Proof Planning
PP1056 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Smaill,AD; Green,I
Higher-Order Annotated Terms for Proof Search
PP1063 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Robertson,DS
An Empirical Study of the LSS specification Toolkit in Use
PP1064 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Robertson,DS
Domain Specific Problem Description
PP1065 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Robertson,DS
Distributed Specification
PP1066 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Mota,Ed; Robertson,DS
Representing Interaction of Agents at Different Time Granularities
PP1069 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Thompson,HS
Why 'turn-taking
PP1070 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Thompson,HS; McKelvie,D
A software Architecture for SGML Annotation
PP1074 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Rogers,I; Levine,J; Pattison,C; Plowman,L
A domain Aware Tool for Guiding Req'Ts Capture ....
PP1075 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Mellish,CS; Levine,J
Corect: The Collaborative Requirements Capture Tool
PP1076 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Moukas,A; Hayes,GM
Synthetic Robotic Language Acquisition by Observation
PP1077 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Al-Lakany,HM; Hayes,GM
A Neural Network for Moving Light Display Trajectory Prediction
PP1078 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Demiris,J; Hayes,GM
Imitative Learning Mechanisms in Robots and Humans
PP1079 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Park,N; Robertson,DS
A Connectionist Representation of Symbolic Compnents, Dynamic Bindings and Basic Inference Operations
PP1129 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Wright,M; Fitzgibbon,AW
Beyond the Hough transform: further properties of the R0 mapping and their applications
PP1130 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Mitsakakis,N; Fisher,RB; Walker,AV
Classification of humpback whalesong units using a self organizing feature map
PP1199 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Hart,E; Corne,D; Ross,PM
Investigating Multiploidy's Niche
PP923 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Yeh,C; Mellish,CS
An Empirical Study on the Generation of Description \for Nominal Anaphors in Chinese
PP990 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Mellis,E; Whittle,JN
Internal Analogy in Theorem Proving
PP991 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Zaki,OF; Mellish,CS
The Translation of the Arabic Tenses to the English T/A
PP992 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Trewin,SM
A Study of Input Device Manipulation Difficulties
PP994 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings ,; Hayes,GM
A Neural Network for Moving Light Display Trajectory
PP995 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Ross,PM; Corne,D; Terashima-Marin,H
The Phase-Transition niche for Evolutionary Algorithms in Timetabling
PP996 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Corne,D; Ross,PM
Peckish Initialisation Strategies for Evolutionary Timetabling
PP997 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Fang,H; Corne,D; Ross,PM
A Genetic Algorithm for Job-Shop Problems with Various Schedule Quality Criteria
PP998 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Corne,D; Hart,E; Ross,PM
Investigating Multiploidy's Niche
PP999 1996 Paper in Conference Proceedings Perez-Minana,E; Ross,PM; Hallam,JC
Multi-layer Perceptron Design Using Delaunay Triangulation

PhD Thesis

TH801 1996 PhD Thesis Pilu,M; Fisher,RB
Recover of Generic Solid Parts by Parametrically Deformable Aspects
PT9601 1996 PhD Thesis Androutsopoulos,I
A Principled Framework for Constructing Natural Language Interfaces to Temporal Databases
PT9603 1996 PhD Thesis Aziz,N
The Use of Belief Revision to Model Contradictions and Entrenched Misconceptions
PT9605 1996 PhD Thesis Binsted,K
Machine Humour: An Implemented Model of Puns
PT9607 1996 PhD Thesis Bispo,EM
An Analysis of the Inspection of Mechanical Parts Using Dense Range Data
PT9609 1996 PhD Thesis Borges,D
Recognizing Three-Dimensional Objects Using Parameterized Volumetric Models
PT9611 1996 PhD Thesis Cox,R
Analytical Reasoning with Multiple External Representations
PT9613 1996 PhD Thesis Cunliffe,D
Biomedical Applications of Belief Networks
PT9615 1996 PhD Thesis Frank,I
Search and Planning Under Incomplete Information a Study Using Bridge Card Play
PT9617 1996 PhD Thesis Haggith,MC
A Meta-Level Argumentation Framework for Representing and Reasoning About Disagreement
PT9618 1996 PhD Thesis Huang,X
Metaphor-based Negotiation and Its Application in AGV Movement Planning
PT9619 1996 PhD Thesis Kim,T
Development of Pvdf Tactile Dynamic Sensing in a Behaviour-Based Assembly Robot
PT9621 1996 PhD Thesis Knott,A
A Data-Driven Methodology for Motivating a Set of Coherence Relations
PT9623 1996 PhD Thesis Pettinaro,GC
Basic Set of Behaviours for Programming Asembly Robots
PT9625 1996 PhD Thesis Pilu,M
Part-Based Grouping and Recognition: a Model-Guided Approach
PT9627 1996 PhD Thesis Richardson,J
The Use of Proof Plans for Transformation of Functional Programs by Changes of Data Type
PT9628 1996 PhD Thesis Rock,S
Understanding Natural Language about Multiple Eventualities and Continuous Eventualities
PT9629 1996 PhD Thesis Tang,M
Knowledge-Based Design Support and Inductive Learning

Research Paper

RP780 1996 Research Paper Frank,I; Basin,D
Search in Games with Incomplete Information: a Case Study Using Bridge Card Play
RP781 1996 Research Paper Monroy-Borja,R; Bundy,A; Ireland,A; Hesketh,J
Proof Planning the Verification of Ccs Programs
RP782 1996 Research Paper Yeh,C; Mellish,CS
An Evaluation of Anaphor Generation in Chinese
RP783 1996 Research Paper Wyatt,J; Hayes,GM; Hallam,JC
Investigating the Behaviour of Q(Lambda)
RP784 1996 Research Paper Wyatt,J
Issues in Putting Reinforcement Learning Onto Robots
RP785 1996 Research Paper Wright,M; Fitzgibbon,AW; Giblin,P; Fisher,RJ
Beyond the Hough Transform: Further Properties of the R,Theta Mapping and Their Applications
RP786 1996 Research Paper Ireland,A; Bundy,A
Extensions to a Generalization Critic for Inductive Proof
RP787 1996 Research Paper Tuson,AL; Ross,PM
Cost Based Operator Rate Adaption: an Investigation
RP788 1996 Research Paper Tuson,AL; Ross,PM
Self-Adaptation by Co-Evolution
RP789 1996 Research Paper Tuson,AL; Ross,PM
Co-Evolution of Operator Settings in Genetic Algorithms
RP790 1996 Research Paper Conlon,T; Pain,HG
Persistent Collaboration: a Methodology for Applied Aied
RP791 1996 Research Paper Robertson,DS
An Empirical Study of the Lss Specificiation Toolkit in Use
RP792 1996 Research Paper Robertson,DS
Domain Specific Problem Description
RP793 1996 Research Paper Robertson,DS
Distributed Specification
RP794 1996 Research Paper Fitzgibbon,AW; Pilu,M; Fisher,RB
Direct Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses
RP795 1996 Research Paper Perkins,SJ; Hayes,GM
Robot Shaping - Principles, Methods and Architectures
RP796 1996 Research Paper Mota,Ed; Robertson,DS
Representing Interaction of Agents at Different Time Granularities
RP797 1996 Research Paper Huang,X
Defining Metaphor-Based Negotiation
RP798 1996 Research Paper Huang,X; Hallam,JC
Spring-Based Negotiation for Conflict Resolution in Agv Scheduling
RP799 1996 Research Paper Smaill,AD; Green,I
Higher-Order Annotated Terms for Proof Search
RP800 1996 Research Paper Webb,B; Hallam,JC
How to Attract Females: Further Robotic Experiments in Cricket Phonotaxis
RP801 1996 Research Paper Pilu,M; Fisher,RB
Recovery of Generic Solid Parts by Parametrically Deformable Aspects
RP802 1996 Research Paper Lee,W; Hallam,JC; Lund,HH
A Hybrid Gp/Ga Approach for Co-Evolving Controllers and Robot Bodies to Achieve Fitness-Specified Tasks
RP803 1996 Research Paper Melis,E; Whittle,JN
Internal Analogy in Theorem Proving
RP804 1996 Research Paper Eggert,D; Fitzgibbon,AW; Fisher,RB
Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Range Views Satisfying Global Consistency Constraints for Use in Reverse Engineering
RP805 1996 Research Paper Pilu,M; Fisher,RB
Model-Driven Grouping and Recognition of Generic Object Parts from Single Images
RP806 1996 Research Paper Pilu,M; Fitzgibbon,AW; Fisher,RB
Ellipse-Specific Direct Least-Square Fitting
RP807 1996 Research Paper Bundy,A; Giunchiglia,F; Sebastiani,R; Walsh,T
Calculating Criticalities
RP808 1996 Research Paper Bundy,A; Giunchiglia,F; Sebastiani,R; Walsh,T
Computing Abstraction Hierarchies by Numerical Simulation
RP809 1996 Research Paper Bundy,A; Giunchiglia,F; Villafiorti,A; Walsh,T
An Incompleteness Theorem Via Abstraction
RP810 1996 Research Paper Fitzgibbon,AW; Fisher,RB
A Buyer'S Guide to Conic Fitting
RP811 1996 Research Paper ,; Birbilis,A; Hayes,GM
Recognising Walkers Using Moving Light Displays
RP812 1996 Research Paper Trewin,SM
A Study of Input Device Manipulation Difficulties
RP813 1996 Research Paper Liu,W; Bundy,A
Constructing Probalistic Atms Using Extended Incidence Calculus
RP814 1996 Research Paper Demiris,J; Hayes,GM
Imitative Learning Mechanisms in Robots and Humans
RP815 1996 Research Paper Pain,HG; Bull,S; Brna,P
A Student Model "for Its Own Sake"
RP816 1996 Research Paper Borges,D; Fisher,RB
Class-Based Recognition of 3D Objects Represented by Volumetric Primitives
RP817 1996 Research Paper Pilu,M; Fisher,RB
Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the Mdl Criterion
RP818 1996 Research Paper Pilu,M; Fitzgibbon,AW; Fisher,RB
Training Pdms on Models: the Case of Deformable Superellipses
RP819 1996 Research Paper Grove,T; Fisher,RB
Attention in Iconic Object Matching
RP820 1996 Research Paper Fisher,RB; Gionis,A
Surface Reflectance Recovery Under Point Light Illumination
RP821 1996 Research Paper Tuson,AL; Ross,PM
Adapting Operator Settings in Genetic Algorithms
RP822 1996 Research Paper Li,M; Hallam,JC; Pryor,L; Chan,SY; Chong,KW
A Cooperative Intelligent System for Urban Traffic Problems
RP823 1996 Research Paper Hesketh,J; Robertson,DS; Fuchs,N; Bundy,A
Automating Reasoning Support for Design
RP824 1996 Research Paper Lund,HH; Hallam,JC
Sufficient Neurocontrollers can be Surprisingly Simple
RP825 1996 Research Paper Tuson,AL; Wheeler,R; Ross,PM
A Prototype Emergency Resource Redistribution System for Disease Control Programmes
RP826 1996 Research Paper Tuson,AL; Wheeler,R; Ross,PM
An Evolutionary/Meta-Heuristic Approach to Emergency Resource Redistribution in the Developing World
RP827 1996 Research Paper Li,M; Chong,KW; Chan,SY; Hallam,JC
Agent-Oriented Urban Traffic Control Simulation
RP828 1996 Research Paper ,; Bundy,A; Smaill,AD; Basin,D
Experiments in Automating Hardware Verification Using Inductive Proof Planning
RP829 1996 Research Paper Li,M
Problem Solving in a Simulated Robot World
RP830 1996 Research Paper Li,M
A Rule-Based General Ai Problem Solving Mechanism Supporting Real-Time and Cooperative Problem Solving
RP831 1996 Research Paper Kim,T; Malcolm,CA; Hallam,JC
Developing of Vibration Sensors as Event Signature Sensors in Assembly
RP832 1996 Research Paper Lee,W; Hallam,JC; Lund,HH
Applying Genetic Programming to Evolve Behavior Primitives and Arbitrators for Mobile Robots
RP833 1996 Research Paper Walker,AV; Fisher,RB; Mitsakakis,N
Singing Maps: Classification of Whalesong Units Using a Self-Organizing Feature Mapping Algorithm
RP834 1996 Research Paper Dennis,L; Bundy,A; Green,I
Using a Generalisation Critic to Find Bisimulations for Coinductive Proofs
RP835 1996 Research Paper Jamnik,M; Bundy,A; Green,I
Automation of Diagrammatic Proofs in Mathematics
RP836 1996 Research Paper Bundy,A; Green,I
An Experimental Comparison of Rippling and Exhaustive Rewriting
RP837 1996 Research Paper Trewin,SM
Inputlogger: General Purpose Logging of Keyboard and Mouse Events on an Apple Macintosh
RP838 1996 Research Paper Trewin,SM; Pain,HG
Keyboard and Mouse Errors Due to Motor Disabilities
RP839 1996 Research Paper Trewin,SM; Pain,HG
On the Adequacy and Uptake of Keyboard Access Facilities for People with Motor Disabilities
RP840 1996 Research Paper Melis,E; Whittle,JN
Analogy as a Control Strategy in Theorem Proving
RP841 1996 Research Paper Melis,E; Whittle,JN
Analogy in Inductive Theorem Proving

Review Article

RA1072 1996 Review Article Oostdijk,?; de Hahn,?
Corpus-based Research into Language

Technical Paper

TP38 1996 Technical Paper Westhead,M
None yet
TP39 1996 Technical Paper Mota,Ed; Robertson,DS; Muetzelfeldt,R
On the Granular Aspects of Time in Simulation Models
TP40 1996 Technical Paper Tuson,AL; Ross,PM
Optimise: a Testbed for Meta-Heuristic Optimisation
TP41 1996 Technical Paper Lund,HH; Cuenca,Ed; Hallam,JC
A Simple Real-Time Mobile Robot Tracking System
TP42 1996 Technical Paper Ijspeert,AJ
Modelling the Neural Controller of a Swimming Lamprey: a Comparison of Naturally and Artificially Evolved Networks
TP43 1996 Technical Paper Billard,A
Allo Kazam, do You Follow Me ?

Working Paper

WP258 1996 Working Paper Taylor,TJ
On the Incorporation of a Developmental Process in a System of Self-Replicating Programs
WP259 1996 Working Paper Taylor,TJ
The Cosmos Environment and Replica Programming Language
WP260 1996 Working Paper Jamnik,M
Diagrammatic Reasoning Systems
WP261 1996 Working Paper Tuson,AL; Wheeler,R; Ross,PM
A Prototype Resource Management System for the Third World

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