Contact: Yuval Marom
Paul A. Crook, Stephen Marsland, Gillian Hayes and Ulrich Nehmzow,
"A Tale of Two Filters - On line Novelty Detection".
The 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA 2002), Vol.4, pp. 3894-3899, Washington DC, May 2002. 2001
Jose M. Carmena and John C.T. Hallam,
"A comparison of methods for estimating Doppler-shift
using bat-inspired cochlear filterbank models".
Fourth European workshop on advanced mobile robots
(EUROBOT'01), pp. 9-16, Lund (Sweden), September 2001.
George Maistros, Yuval Marom, and Gillian Hayes.
"Perception-Action Coupling via Imitation and Attention".
In Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Anchoring
Symbols to Sensor Data in Single and Multiple Robot
Systems, Cape Cod, MA, November 2001
Jose M. Carmena and John C.T. Hallam,
"Exploiting the physics: towards Doppler-based navigation with a
bat-inspired mobile robot". In Proceedings of the 9th
Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems (SIRS) , pp. 467-476,
Tolouse (France), July 2001.
Jose M. Carmena and John C.T. Hallam,
"A Doppler-based motion controller for an echolocating mobile robot".
In Proceedings of TIMR 2001 - Towards Intelligent Mobile
Robots, Manchester, April 2001.
Jose M. Carmena, Nico Kämpchen, DaeEun Kim and John C.T. Hallam,
"Artificial ears for a biomimetic sonarhead: from multiple
reflectors to surfaces". Artificial Life 7:2, pp. 147-169,
Paul A. Crook and Gillian Hayes.
"A Robot Implementation of a Biologically Inspired Method for Novelty Detection".
In Proceedings of TIMR 2001 - Towards Intelligent
Mobile Robots, Manchester, April 2001.
George Maistros and Gillian Hayes.
"An Imitation Mechanism for Goal-Directed Actions".
In Proceedings of TIMR 2001 - Towards Intelligent
Mobile Robots, Manchester, April 2001.
Yuval Marom and Gillian Hayes.
"Interacting with a Robot to Enhance Its Perceptual Attention".
In Proceedings of TIMR 2001 - Towards Intelligent
Mobile Robots, Manchester, April 2001.
Jose M. Carmena and John C.T. Hallam,
"Estimating Doppler shift with a coarse cochlear filterbank".
In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Internacional Conference
on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) , Vol 1,
pp. 221-226, Takamatsu (Japan), November 2000.
Jose M. Carmena, DaeEun Kim and John C.T. Hallam,
"Designing artificial ears for animat echolocation".
In From Animals to Animats 6, Proceedings 6th Int
Conf on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour, pp. 73-80, ed: J-A. Meyer
and A. Berthoz and D. Floreano and H. Roitblat and S. Wilson, MIT
Press, 2000.
Bridget Hallam, ``Animal Learning Models as Robot Controllers'', Proceedings of the SIRS2000, pp 131-140, ed: J. M. Ferryman and A. D. Worrall, MIT Press, 2000. Bridget Hallam, ``(Robotic) Implementation of Animal Behaviour'', Proceedings of ISRA'2000. Bridget Hallam, ``Simulating Classical Conditioning using a Neuro-Connector Net'', From Animals to Animats 6 Proceedings 6th Int Conf on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour, pp 279-286, ed: J-A. Meyer and A. Berthoz and D. Floreano and H. Roitblat and S. Wilson, MIT Press, 2000. DaeEun Kim and John C.T. Hallam, "Neural network approach to path integration for homing navigation". In From Animals to Animats 6, Proceedings 6th Int Conf on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour, pp. 228-235, ed: J-A. Meyer and A. Berthoz and D. Floreano and H. Roitblat and S. Wilson, MIT Press, 2000.
DaeEun Kim, Jose M. Carmena and John C.T. Hallam,
"Towards an artificial pinna for a narrow-band biomimetic sonarhead".
In ICES'2000: From Biology to Hardware, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 1801, pp. 113-122, Springer-Verlag, 2000.
George Maistros and Gillian Hayes,
"An imitation mechanism inspired from neurophysiology".
In Proceedings of EmerNet: Third International Workshop on
Current Computational Architectures Integrating Neural Networks and
Durham, August 2000.
Yuval Marom and Gillian Hayes,
"Towards a Model of Temporal Attention for On-line Learning in a Mobile Robot".
Invited paper to appear in Daniel Dubois, editor,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS 2000),
Liege, August 2000.
Yuval Marom and Gillian Hayes,
"Perception of change for a socially enhanced robot imitator".
In Proceedings of Autonomous Agents 2000,
pp. 124--131, Barcelona, June 2000.
Herbert Peremans, Rolf Müller, Jose M. Carmena and John C.T. Hallam,
"A biomimetic platform to study perception in bats".
In Proceedings of SPIE: Sensor Fusion and Decentralized
Control in Robotics Systems III , Vol 4196, pp. 168-179,
Boston (USA), November 2000.
Jose M. Carmena and John Hallam,
"Improving performance in a multi-robot task through minimal
In Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Intelligent
Robotic Systems (SIRS) , pp. 329-337, Coimbra (Portugal),
July 1999.
Yuval Marom and Gillian Hayes,
"Preliminary approaches to attention for social learning".
In Proceedings of ACAI'99 Workshop on Biologically Inspired
Machine Learning, Crete, July 1999.
1995 - 1998Bridget Hallam and John Hallam and Gillian Hayes , ``A Dynamic Net for Robot Control'', pp 227-269 of Neural Systems for Robotics, ed: O. Omidvar and P. van der Smagt. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1997. Auke Jan Ijspeert, John Hallam and David Willshaw,
"From lampreys to salamanders: evolving neural controllers for swimming and walking", Auke Jan Ijspeert, John Hallam and David Willshaw,
"Artificial Lampreys: Comparing Naturally and Artificially
Evolved Swimming Controllers", John Demiris and Gill Hayes,
"Imitative Learning Mechanisms in Robots and Humans",
Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Learning Robots,
Volker Klingspor (editor), Bari, Italy, July 1996.
Simon Perkins and Gillian Hayes, "Robot Shaping - Principles,
Methods and Architectures", presented at the Workshop on
Learning in Robots and Animals, at AISB'96, University of
Sussex, UK, April 1-2, 1996.
Richard Reeve and John Hallam,
"Control of Walking by Central Pattern Generators",
presented at The 4th International Conference on
Intelligent Autonomous Systems , Karlsruhe, Germany, March 1995.
Ashley Walker, Nico Milano and John Hallam,
"Are SONAR Errors in the Ear of the Beholder?: Towards an Understanding of
Complete SONAR Echoes",
Presented at The 3rd International Symposium on
Intelligent Robotic Systems, Pisa, Italy, July 10-14,
Martin Westhead,
"Synchronous Systems for Behaviour Based Robot Control",
presented at Workshop on Mobile Robotics, 10th Biennal
Conference of the AISB, Sheffield, UK April 1995.
Erik Wolfhart, Ashley Walker and Robert Fisher, "Position
Refinement for a Navigating Robot using Motion Information Based on
Honey Bee Strategies", Presented at The 3rd International
Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems, Pisa, Italy, July
10-14, 1995.
Jeremy Wyatt,
"Issues in putting Reinforcement Learning onto robots",
presented at Workshop on Mobile Robotics, 10th Biennal
Conference of the AISB , Sheffield, UK April 1995.
Previous publicationsFor general AI papers, see the Artificial Intelligence section of the Division of Informatics' publication archive. |