SSP Group Meeting
Wednesday, May 3rd, 11am-12pm
Division of Informatics, 80 South Bridge, Room F13


How to get a PhD in AI: Dangers & Tips

Wamberto Vasconcelos (mediator)

Getting a PhD degree in AI is easy, if you know how to do it. There are, however, serious real pitfalls and dangers in the activity. We shall discuss some of them (e.g. programming fever, lack of motivation and scientific shyness) and provide some useful tips on how to cope with them. We shall also discuss more particular issues arising from the reorganisation of the AI Department and how these may influence (positively or negatively) PhD students at South Bridge.

Audience: If you are nearly finished (or finished) with your PhD, then you are welcome to come and share your own experiences. If you have only started then you should come to learn what this is all about.

This is the first of a series of two discussion sessions. See also the abstract for the second session.