The Approximate and Qualitative Reasoning (AQR) Group is part of the Institute for Representation and Reasoning within the Division of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. The Division has earned top ratings for both research (5A) and teaching (Excellent) in the most recent UK national quality assessment, and is the premier research centre for AI in Europe.

The members of the AQR group are particularly active in the areas of fuzzy and qualitative modelling, model-based reasoning and knowledge reuse. The following are the strands of our current research:

On the whole, these strands of research concern the development of techniques for representing the common-sense knowledge of the average person and the tacit knowledge used by engineers and scientists. This allows the subjective element of common-sense knowledge to be incorporated within formal and domain-independent algorithms for reasoning about domain-specific problems.

Most of our research projects are/were funded by EPSRC and industrial partners.

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