Mobile Robots group
Interdisciplinary Links: Robotics, Biology and Psychology
Dept of A.I.
Univ. of Edinburgh

Interdisciplinary Groups and Projects

In the Edinburgh Mobile Robots Group:

Here is a list of interdisciplinary projects between Robotics and Biology and Robotics and Psychology currently carried out in the Mobile Robots Group:

  • Biologically inspired research  

    In these projects, research is carried out to replicate or model different animal and insect forms of behaviour and/or locomotion. Projects include the cricket phonotaxis behaviour, the bat's navigation system, Central Pattern Generator controlled locomotion ( e.g. inspired from the lamprey), ...

  • Psychologically inspired research  

    Here research is carried out along psychological notions such as imitation, sociality and communication.


  • The EEBIC Group at the University of Birmingham, is concerned with Evolutionary and Emergent Behaviour Intelligence and Computation.

  • The Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience and Intelligent Systems , (U. of Edinburgh)

  • Emotion Site at the Brandeis University.

  • Synthetic Sensory Systems page at the University of Sterling.

    Call for links!!

    If you are currently working on an interdisciplinary project, linking Robotics and Biology or Psychology (and related fields), or would have a proposal for such a project, please do not hesitate to contact us. :

    We would be very pleased to add a link to your WEB page or help you to create one.

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