SSP Group Meeting
Wednesday, July 12th, 11am-12pm
Division of Informatics, 80 South Bridge, Room F13


Reflections on the interdisciplinary SEKE events: bringing KE and SE together

Yannis Kalfoglou

In this talk I will discuss the intersection of KE and SE as has been presented in the SEKE events over the past 12 years. It is commonly agreed that KE techniques can and have been applied to SE and that SE methods are applied to KE. What is not so clear though, is where exactly the two fields are separated. In recent years, as KE has grown and mature the distinction with SE becomes blurred. On the other hand, SE has been using KE techniques silently in big projects. It becomes apparent that both fields are needed in order to cope with intricate problems encountered in today's demanding computational systems. As many call for "intelligent software" to manage those systems, I personally believe that KE can bring in the "intelligent" part whereas SE could provide "methodology" in order to have an agile and robust "software" part.

I will draw my conclusions and speculate on possible future directions in this exciting area of research from my past experiences in SEKE events, and by scrutinizing some of this year's papers. As this group has a remarkably high attendance ratio in these events(starting from 1996 until today there are continuous appearances of SSP-members' publications in the proceedings) I will set up the scene for feedback and fruitful discussion.