SSP Group Meeting
Wednesday, July 14th, 11am-11.35am
Division of Informatics, 80 South Bridge, Room F13

Using Focus Rules in Requirements Elicitation Dialogues

Renaud Lecoeuche

Requirements engineering is a complex task which benefits from computer support. Despite the progress made in automatic reasoning on requirements, the tools supporting requirements elicitation remain difficult to use. In this talk, we propose a novel approach where a tool's reasoning is intimately linked to the dialogue it has with its users. Because the dialogue is guided by rules ensuring coherence, the interaction with the tool is more natural. We discuss the rules we use to organise the dialogue and how we apply them to the requirements elicitation tool. We present an evaluation of this approach demonstrating improvements in usability during the elicitation process.

This SSP/IRR Seminar will consist of a couple of dry-runs for IJCAI-99 and AAAI-99 Doctoral Consortium. Details of the programme below.

11.00 - 11.20 Using Focus Rules in Requirements Elicitation Dialogues
Renaud Lecoeuche - SSP/IRR
(accepted to IJCAI-99)
11.20 - 11.35 questions/discussion
11.35 - 12.00 Using Formal Meta-Data Descriptions for Automated Ecological Modeling
Virginia Biris Brilhante - SSP/IRR
(accepted to AAAI-99 Doctoral Consortium)
12.00 - 12.15 questions/discussion