The University of Edinburgh -
Division of Informatics
Forrest Hill & 80 South Bridge

Research Paper #871

Title:Proof Planning and Industrial Configuration
Authors:Pechoucek,M; Lowe,H; Bundy,A
Date:Oct 1997
Presented:Presented at PAP'97
Abstract:The problem of configuration is a complex industrial issue. It has been shown in the past that considerable amounts of labour were spent on problems connected with manufacturing based decisions. Planning and scheduling, design and configuration, logistics and resource managment are representative examples. In the case where the complexity of products to be manufactured is getting more flexible, some sort of computer supported decision making is desired. There are a number of examples of Knowledge Based Systems, implemented using various approaches and various methodologies, that have managed to save a considerable amount of resources when supporting computer system configuration, on-board chips design or industrial "engineer-and-made-to-order" type configuration. I introduce Proof Planning, declarative programming paradigm, in order to address main bottlenecks of Knowledge Based System design. Commercially successful application needs to consider the enhancability and maintainability as well as a clear separation of knowledge and inference engine - weak solver. the proposed methodology is supposed to offer possibility of fast prototyping and reduce overall development times then. The selection of an appropriate methodology shall correspond clearly to the complexity of a problem. In my judgement Proof Planning is very suitable methodology for medium sized Knowledge Based Systems.

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