The University of Edinburgh -
Division of Informatics
Forrest Hill & 80 South Bridge

MSc Thesis #93117

Title:T-Prolog - a Temporal Logic for an Ecological Domain
Date: 1993
Abstract:A specialist temporal reasoner was implemented to represent the temporal content of a set of indigenous accounts of four ecosystems. These accounts were collected as the knowledge domain for the Edinburgh University Indigenous Knowledge project, which is designing a knowledge based agricultural decision support system. The temporal logic, T-Prolog, was specially formalised for this purpose. T-Prolog reconstructs the system IGEtp, a point-structured, interval-based, temporal logic, devised by Richards and Bethke ([Richards & Bethke 87]), and extends it with several new modal operators. The logic was implemented as a Prolog meta-interpreter. The logical resources of the resultant language proved rich enough to model most of the temporal content of the Indigenous Knowledge data. Its implementation was demonstrated to be quite a powerful deductive tool, able to perform quite sophisticated reasoning. Finally, modifications were made to the original linear point structure in order to better capture some of the cyclical regularities inherent to an ecological domain. These point structure experimentations produced some positive and interesting results, which indicate possible lines of future research, inserted.

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